A True Servant Leader for Odessa...

The Future of Odessa Starts Here...
“We have the UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to heal the hurt and division in our community. I am asking for you to VOTE for the FUTURE of Odessa and ELECT me as your next Odessa City Council Member At-Large.”
Craig Stoker

Priority 1 - Infrastructure
Updating and repairing our water systems, roads, and other essential infrastructure to ensure reliable services and reduce traffic congestion.

Priority 2 - A safer community
I want to FULLY fund the Odessa Police Department so they can be FULLY staffed and out patrolling our streets again. Driving in Odessa can be extremely dangerous, and the lack of traffic patrol just ads to the problem. Instead of adding $1,000,000 to the city manager’s communication budget, let’s hire more police! Recent estimates say OPD is over 60 officers short. We can do better!

Priority 3 - Money back in your pocket
I was shocked to see the biggest piece of the income pie for the city comes from your water bill. We have to do better. What would you do with extra money in your pocket?

Priority 4 - Investing in YOU!
You live here. You pay your taxes here. Why hasn’t the city invested back into YOU? Let’s quit spinning our wheels with more planning and consulting and let’s ACTUALLY get to work! Let’s pull the weeds on our streets and sidewalks, let’s clean up the trash, let’s bring back that sense of community that Odessa is so famous for. We built our own Stonehenge, we can do anything we want!
“I truly feel it is a rare privilege to be able to represent the community as an elected official. I can’t say my entire adult career has been about service, but when I truly came to understand what a mentor during my Capitol years taught me, to find my passions, that is when I caught my stride, and believe I found my calling. Giving back to others, especially those who cannot do for themselves, is commanded of us from a favorite passage, Matthew 25:35-40. I also have a great fondness for the words of Luke 12:48, ‘to whom much is given, much will be required.’ I fully believe these words and do my best to live them every day as an example to others. I am asking you to join me on this journey and start the healing of Odessa. Together we will put in the hard work necessary to get the cart out of the ditch, and hopefully be able to leave Odessa better than we found her. We live in an amazing place full of great people and we know the meaning of hard work. I know we can do this together.” Craig Stoker