Board Service
- Commissioner, Planning and Zoning Commission, City of Odessa (Current)
- President, Downtown Odessa, Inc., Board of Directors (Current)
- Officer, Ector County Library Advisory Board (Current)
- Member, Board of Directors, Odessa Chamber of Commerce (Current)
- Member, Board of Directors, Ellen Noël Art Museum (Current)
- Member, Board of Directors, Meals on Wheels of Texas (Current)
- Board Chair, TIRZ Board of Directors, City of Odessa (2018-2024)
- Member, Board of Directors, Odessa Crystal Ball Foundation (2015-2024)
- Member, Board of Directors, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Permian Basin Chapter (2020-2024)
- Member, Board of Directors, MAAS (2013-2019)
- Member, Traffic Advisory Committee, City of Odessa (2019-2023)
- Member, Zoning Board of Adjustment, City of Odessa (2019-2023)
Committee Membership
- Vision 2030, Odessa College (2024)
- Advisory Committee, Odessa Links (2024)
- Advocacy Committee, Meals on Wheels of Texas (2024)
- Nonprofit Management Center Beacon Awards Planning Committee (2024)
- West Odessa Coalition (2024)
- NMC Chef Showdown Planning Committee, Nonprofit Management Center (2024)
- Leadership Odessa Alumni Association Planning Committee (2024)
- First Friday Planning Committee, Odessa Arts & Downtown Odessa, Inc. (2022-2024)
- Mural Fest Planning Committee, Odessa Arts (2023)
- Mural Selection Committee for Ferdinand, Odessa Arts (2021)
- POWER Bag Initiative Planning Committee, Literacy Coalition of the Permian Basin (2019-2022)
- Chair, Marketing Committee, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Permian Basin Chapter (2022-2024)
- Empty Bowls Planning Committee, West Texas Food Bank (2015-2022)
- West Texas Fest Planning Committee, Ellen Noël Art Museum (2021-2023)
- Housing Committee, Priority Midland (2019-2020)
- Quality of Place Committee, Priority Midland (2019-2020)
- Marketing Committee, Priority Midland (2019-2020)
- H-E-B Feast of Sharing Planning Committee (2015-2022)
- Co-Chair, Junior Leadership, Odessa Chamber of Commerce (2016)
- Divas & Desserts Planning Committee, Permian Playhouse (2016-2018)
- National Philanthropy Day, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Permian Basin Chapter (2015-2023)
- Nonprofit Management Center, Beacon Award for Excellence in Communications (2017)
- Young Professionals of Odessa, Odessa Under 40 Award (2018)
- Downtown Odessa, Inc., Volunteer of the Year (2019 & 2021)
- Association of Fundraising Professionals, Outstanding Fundraising Professional (2024)

Speaking and Mentorship
- Nonprofit Management Center, Generations Mentor (2024)
- Trinity School of Midland Career Day Panelist (2015-2024)
- Nonprofit Management Center, Nonprofit Executive Leadership Certification Course Speaker on Volunteering in the Permian Basin (2024)
- Students in Philanthropy Speaker (2015-2023)
- State of Downtown Odessa Keynote Speaker (2022)
- Permian Basin Leadership Symposium Panel Speaker (2023)
- Nonprofit Management Center, Fund Academy 2.0 Speaker on Social Media Fundraising (2022)
Professional Development
- Washington D.C. Fly-In, Odessa and Midland Chambers of Commerce (2024)
- International Library Fundraisers Conference, Washington D.C. (2024)
- Association of Fundraising Professionals Icon Conference (2017 & 2023)
- Leadership Odessa (2015)
- Nonprofit Executive Leadership Certification, Nonprofit Management Center (2015)
- Attended yearly Feeding America National Marketing Conference (2015-2020)
- Association of Fundraising Professionals Member (Current)