Vision 2030 and Beyond...
What is YOUR Vision for Odessa?

You can't go somewhere you've never been before without a map...
I’ve served on numerous boards and committees and we’ve never tried to plan for the future by without a solid strategic plan, or road map, if you will. For years we have asked over and over “What do you want in your city?” Surely by now we know that Odessans want a clean community with safe and drivable roads. Clean water when they turn on the tap and exciting options for dining and recreation so that we don’t have to spend our hard earned dollars in neighboring communities.

How do we get there?
The current council has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultants, and for what? While I am glad this council removed the stigma of hiring an outside firm, we MUST hire experts in their respective fields, not just buddies of the Mayor. We already have the map, now we need to buckle down and get to work!

What can you do?
When the TIRZ board worked on updating the Downtown Odessa Master Plan, we invited the whole community to join us over several days to give input on many different projects and ideas. I believe we had many ideas come from these sessions, but like too many previous plans, it was shelved.
Let’s dig into the archives and get to work! Let’s make these visions of Odessa come true!